Acupuncture Facial – Rediscovering your face
Facial Acupuncture is very beneficial. However, firstly consider what goes to make up a face? It’s not just one factor but many. Your face inherits its mould genetically and then changes as we go through life. What we eat and the events and experiences we meet in our lives affect the face. Our faces are our window on the world.
They also reflect our response to the world around us. As we go through life, our face develops character. However, it may also begin to show signs of stress and strain. These might be from illness, poor diet or an emotionally difficult time. The face can act as a storage deposit of our history. It will result in us feeling and looking better if we can be uncluttered!
A great way to do this is with Facial Acupuncture. Sometimes also called cosmetic acupuncture, it’s so much more than that. It is a special part of Traditional Acupuncture treatment. It provides a great natural system of medicine that restores and maintains our health. Working with appropriately chosen points activates a person’s recuperative and healing powers. Over 2000 years ago the practice was already an established part of the repertoire of Chinese Medicine. Traditionally, acupuncture works with “Q”. (pronounced” chee”), or vital energy of the body. However, this energy flows continuously through the meridian system. The energetic network also links the specific treatment points. These in turn influence our health and well-being in all its aspects.
Facial Acupuncture – carried out with fine needles
A Facial treatment works with fine needles designed to release, restore and revitalise. It is natural and gives your face a natural makeover. The therapy encourages facial circulation and the production of healthy skin nutrients and collagen. During the treatments, many of Sue’s clients fall asleep. The treatments are incredibly relaxing, giving you a profoundly comfortable experience.
Before the primary treatment, Sue may apply appropriate preparatory massage techniques and always conclude with the beautifully soothing Jade Roller.
So what can Facial Acupuncture do for you?
On a physical level, Facial treatment:
- Reduces and softens fine lines and wrinkles,
- Tightens the pores and facial skin
- Tightens the skin under the eyes and chin.
- Brightens the eyes and resolves dark circles or puffiness
- Brightens the face by improving facial circulation and colour
- Clears toxins to prevent acne and other skin eruptions
- Releases stress and muscular tension in the face
- Used for the effects of facial conditions such as rosacea, acne, eczema and Bell’s Palsy.
Moreover, our emotions profoundly affect the face and over the years. They can become stored as the personae or masks we present to the world. Facial acupuncture can help to gently release these stored emotions allowing the face to express the actual individual underneath. Facial Acupuncture can enable you to enter into a profound state of relaxation.
How Many Treatments will I need?
Furthermore, you will notice some sound effects after one treatment. Successful treatment requires four sessions to start. The total number and frequency of treatments will depend on your particular needs. Each treatment usually takes an hour. They can be weekly or possibly bi-weekly at first. Once you have a settled result, Sue recommends one maintenance treatment every six to eight weeks. Finally, the treatment will keep you looking and feeling fabulous!